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Thank you for digging deeper into the issues in Springfield-- lots I didn't know there!

I just came back from a road trip in which I watched TV in my various hotel rooms at night. I don't own a TV and get my news from Substack, X, and podcasts, so it was an enlightening reminder as to why the majority of my friends seem to be living in "opposite world" from me. For example, there was an interview on CNN with the authors of a book that criticizing Elon Musk for allowing "toxic" free speech on X. In the information circles I travel in, there is a lot of (valid) criticism of Musk, but allowing free speech on X is the one thing that is unanimously looked at as a positive. The other thing I noticed were all the campaign ads focused on the abortion issue. While that is certainly an important issue, there is so much else of import that is being ignored, at least in the TV ads I saw.

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